The Optima OP-922 vet scale is a durable stainless steel platform for weighing pets both in and out of crates. A rubber traction mat is included to help prevent any slipping. Communication with peripherals is possible through the display's built-in RS232 port.
- Painted Steel construction
- Factory calibrated
- 20' long heavy duty shielded cable
- 1 year limited manufacturer's warranty
- Splash proof display and keyboard
- Overload protection
- General Weighing
- Dynamic Weighing
**Please contact us for questions about the available options**
- Printer
- Indicator stand
- Cage
Contact our Scales Specialist
Do you have a question about this Scale or do you want to order over email/phone? Please contact us at 866-643-3444 or write to us at mail@awscales.com One of our Scale specialists will help you answer your questions and will help you complete the order. We thank you for shopping with Scales.net
- SKU:
- OP-922-1000
- Display:
- LED indicator
- Dimensions:
- 43” (L) x 20” (W) x 2” (H)
- Construction:
- Stainless steel with anti skin matt included
- Brand:
- Optima
- Brand Logo:
- https://static.wixstatic.com/media/78eff6_7b540a4ab636490d85ae64943dda00ed~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_328,h_95,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/78eff6_7b540a4ab636490d85ae64943dda00ed~mv2.png
- Capacity:
- 1000 lb x 0.2 lb / 500 kg
- SKU:
- OP-922-1000
- Display:
- LED indicator
- Dimensions:
- 43” (L) x 20” (W) x 2” (H)
- Construction:
- Stainless steel with anti skin matt included
- Brand:
- Optima
- Brand Logo:
- https://static.wixstatic.com/media/78eff6_7b540a4ab636490d85ae64943dda00ed~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_328,h_95,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/78eff6_7b540a4ab636490d85ae64943dda00ed~mv2.png
- Capacity:
- 1000 lb x 0.2 lb / 500 kg